Delicious and Nutritious: 3 Square Meals That Will Make You A Better Person

Delicious and Nutritious: 3 Square Meals That Will Make You A Better Person


Every morning I roll out of my bathtub like any other married guy, crank my favorite Linkin Park tune, and pour myself one of these bad boys.   


The American Spirits can get a little pricey at times, but the key vitamins and nutrients are worth it in the end.  Most folks don't know this, but cigarettes help create a healthy immune system when consumed.  Which is why I look amazing and feel amazing.


My work is generous enough to give me a 45 second lunch break (paid), which is just enough time to scarf down a full four course lunch.


The day I finally quit cold turkey and switched to energy ham is the day I came alive.  Protein, caffeine, and creatine all in one delicious sandwich.  

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 Single-handedly curb stomps La Croix.  Or should I say, La CRAP.  Zing!

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100% grass fed beef, none of that processed bullshit.  Veggie burger options coming in 2020.


In case you haven't guessed already, I'm not much of a cook.  So I alternate between Taco Bell and McDonalds for dinner every night, and many are unaware of their secret menu items...

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Taco Bell's Cheetos Quesadilla:

Price:  2 for $1.49.  

Pros:  Breathtaking flavor, good spread of Cheetos and beef, fresh tortillas

Cons:  No flamin' hot flavor yet...

Overall:  7.4/7

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McDonalds Pickle Burger:

Price:  $1.09

Pros:  Everyone knows the best part of the burger are the pickles, can order sliced or just have a whole ass pickle on a bun if desired.

Cons: Could use more pickles

Overall:  6.9/12

Summer Musings

Summer Musings

Sit Outside, Idiots.

Sit Outside, Idiots.