A Letter From Your Dad's Friend

A Letter From Your Dad's Friend

Dear Almost Friday,

Longtime reader, first-time writer. I’d like to take the time to share a piece of me with all of you – my friends, my loved ones – but where do I begin? Perhaps my reason for writing is a good place to start. To me Friday is more than just a day of the week. It’s a mindset, it’s what keeps us moving forward, it’s what brings friends and family together. But life is too short to look forward to just one day of the week, every week. One of my deepest struggles is not living every day like it’s Friday; I’m either looking behind or ahead, but hardly at what’s before my eyes, at my feet, in my hands or in my ears. What a treasure life will be when my attitude each morning as I rise and evening as I lie is, “It’s Friday.”

As a Pre-Med Sales Person, I would be lying if I said I had it all together and that life is easy. If you’re not familiar with what I do on day-to-day, month-to-month, fiscal year-fiscal year basis, I will do my best to articulate. I’m an account manager for a software company here in Austin, managing roughly 40 accounts, all of which are striving to grow their businesses and leverage software as a means of reaching their goals. I have been given the responsibility to manage these relationships, get an earful from unhappy CEOs, and strategically sell, sell, sell. Hopefully, you get the picture. In an environment driven by acquiring more money it’s easy to lose sight of what my purpose is, how to balance my work & social life, who I am and who I am not. It’s also easy to feel like a failure when I miss my mark of monthly, quarterly and yearly quotas. Many days are filled with deceitful lies that I believe about myself. I know they’re not true, I know who I am, but damnit they feel real. To the people who have affirmed me and pushed me forward, thank you. Sincerely.

I have learned many things since being declined acceptance into medical school, about myself and life in general. Here are a few: set goals that are difficult to reach, you never know who you will meet or how you will grow along the way; it’s okay to fail, actually it’s a beautiful thing to walk away from failure with cuts, bruises and a smile; don’t let life pass you by as you’re making grand plans for it; draw a 3-foot radius circle around you and love the people and live the experiences that fill that circle; you are loved, loving and lovable; and in my personal life through faith, seek something greater than yourself in life and attempt to understand perspectives outside of your own.

Three years ago, I said I’d never go into sales, but it’s this sales job that has kept me in Austin, with community, meeting new people and learning new things – and for that I am incredibly thankful. Life is a beautiful thing, especially with Dem Boyz.

With that said, it’s almost Friday baby.


Dad’s Friend, Pre-MD

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