Life Coach Quibs: Let Me Inspire You To Be A Better You For All

Life Coach Quibs: Let Me Inspire You To Be A Better You For All

I almost showered while wearing my AirPods the other day… and that wasn’t even when I knew I had made it.

Let me introduce myself, I’m world-renowned (pending) Certified Life Coach, Crystalist, Guru, Inventor, Author, and Grammy Award Listener Gareth Quibly. My Followers call me Life Coach Quibs. My friends call me Quibs. I call myself Universe Listener. You can call me Life Coach Quibs. You are now my follower. I love you.

I’ve been changing lives through my crystals and inspirational speeches for as long as I can remember, but don’t let my humility fool you, I’m very rich. (read: Quibs Rich: A Guide To Utilizing Money So That Money Doesn’t Utilize You — $16.95/$65.00 Canadian).

I have a lot of celebrity clients, a lot, and I never say their names publicly. Let’s say their names rhyme with Bustin Jeiber, Crom Tuise, The Sock, Spitney Pears, Cily Myrus’s Cousin to name a few. I never retell my celebrity stories, but I have full permission to retell this inspiring story of hope (see my audiobook lecture series: Hope For Quibs: My Journey from Hopeful to HopeFULL - $45.67 on my streaming website Quibsflex $14.95/month).

Famous Hollywood and Coastal Elite Filmmaker Chad Werner reached out to me while I was in the middle of my Jet Ski Meditation. He had a problem and I knew just the fix. So I threw my tenth pair of AirPods into a whale’s blowhole and JetSki’d to the coast, I needed to help my top client (QuibsQuip: Make every client your top client).

After crashing my Jet Ski into my Malibu home, I helicoptered straight to Chad’s mansion. This was an emergency after all, and I knew I could expense the fuel & pilot’s fees to his bill. He was good for it. When I landed Chad greeted me and began breaking down.

“Quibs! Quibs! Help me!”

“Help yourself” I responded.

I pulled out two of my CBD-Yerba-Mate-Matcha-Energy Kombucha Pills, dropped them into a Quibsani Sparkling water (all available on my e-commerce website and had Chad drink them to relax. Chad began to tell me of his woes.

“Quibs, my life isn’t fulfilling. I thought after becoming a rich west-coast Hollywood elite, successful beyond all means I would be happy. But it turns out after three divorces, five custody battles, four sunken yachts, and a legal battle with my yacht insurance company I’m not happy. What do I do?”

After consulting Chad to buy a new yacht for me and himself, he seemed alleviated from his worldly pain. Quibs job was complete. I had my pilot fire up the helicopter and flew back to my second Malibu home. It’s not always easy changing lives, but darnit was it fulfilling (read ‘GAREST QuibME: The Quibs Guide to Changing Lives — Change Yourself!’ $15.69).

A week later Chad met me on my new yacht (pre-order ‘Yacht Thoughts: A Quibs-Treatise On The Power of Yachts’ today on Quibsazon and iQuibs Store). I could tell Chad was upset.

“Nothing seems to work Quibs, what do I do?”

“Do yourself” I responded.

Chad heard this, I could tell. You don’t get to his levels of success without some discretion. I sold him one of my rarest crystals, a Samoan Quibsalite from the Hawaiian underground called The Rock, aimed at deflecting all negativity and consuming all positivity. Chad sat with this in my new yacht’s home theater/game room for fifteen minutes while watching my favorite Jim Carey movie 'Mr. Popper’s Penguins’ Meanwhile, I put on my oculus headset and played Zelda.

After submerging from the depths of the yacht theater Chad came out a changed man, I could tell. He was given a revelation. He needed to give back. He remembered a non-profit from his pre-celebrity life: Cherish Uganda, focused on educating and empowering children with HIV/AIDS. Not my first choice of course, I would have had him benefit my for-profit-non-profit “Quibs Totes-4-Tots.” A Charity focused on sending excess Totes from my Quibs’ merchandise inventory to children in sad needy places like Florida, or any of the fly-over states. Chad felt a need to help out Cherish, however, so I told him it was my idea sent through a crystal vision.

Chad decided to do what Hollywood Elites do best, make a Charity Drive about himself. By filming himself watching all the Fast & Furious movies back-to-back he would raise money and awareness for Cherish Uganda. See Below:

So on July 30th watch my Quiblet change the world. Donate to the cause and learn more details at you won’t regret.

Thank you for reading. You will be invoiced for this wisdom.


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