Almost Friday

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Stru-Life confessions: Ive missed a lot of flights and I LIKE IT

In the past year I have missed 33 percent of all of the plane flights that I have taken. I have taken 12 flights and missed four of them , this is counting as 1 flight missed that lasted 26 hours. But I am not planning on stopping anytime soon

My first taste of missing a flight was exhilarating, and by exhilarating I mean I was so nervous I almost threw up. I don’t really like the act of missing a flight but I really like what I am able to do before/after I miss a flight. Really missing a flight means that I have more (sometimes less) time to spend with the people I love. My most recent incident I will blame I-35 but really its because I drive a really old truck and make terrible lane decisions on I-35. But after I missed my flight and Southwest (@southwestair) was very kind and gave me a new next day flight, I got to see my favorite puppy then head to Barton Springs and then head to Sandys then hang out even more. Who wouldn’t trade a little (or a lot) of stress for all of that? I’d probably do it another nine times.

Sometimes its awful though. One time I was late to a flight and then headed to five different airports within 26 hours. I got to sleep in the airport but it was a good thing that I had an air mattress in my backpack. I really had one I am not kidding I am not sure whats wrong with me when i pack things. But I got to head to MANCAMP 2018 and eventually got some Southwest credit to then head to even MORE TRIPS. I LOVE TRIPS.

I used that credit for Matt Carlin’s wedding, another great time where I almost missed my flight but Tyler Bradford got me an uber from Lake Austin to Jon hadden’s house then Jon Hadden got me an uber to the airport after we watched three episodes of Scooby doo. Whats not to like about Scooby doo?

Then I decided that maybe Southwest wasnt all reliable so now I usually fly JetBlue, but then Jetblue allowed me to miss two flights due to maintenance issues and automatically gave me some flight credit, I didnt even have to get the Southwest VIP hotline and call five times. I used that credit to fly to L.A. for my friend Chad’s birthday/beach wedding. We played volleyball on the beach and we went to a classic Los Angeles club, I even got to go to Danny Trejo’s Mexican Cantina! Whats not to like about the beach/margaritas?

After that I just got some little credits from the Wifi not working or something like that. I had to actually shell out some of my hard earned CA$H on a oneway southwest flight and one way Jet Blue flight to Austin this past weekend to eat some crawfish but on God and No Cap I would give up buying clothes to do that every weekend (im not sure if thats a joke or not). I wouldn’t move to Austin to do that but I would fly to Austin every weekend for crawfish and those good times.

I dont really love the act of missing flights. It makes me sweat and very nauseous, and afterwards I just want to cry. Once I have a new flight and make it to my destination however, I always have a little extra to head to the next destination. That next destination is always full of fun times with the boys and one time some crawfish.

Moral of the story is If you think I wouldn’t miss a flight for between 3 and 5 crawfish you dont know Pete.

Moral of the story is if you think I wouldn’t miss a flight for between 3 and 5 crawfish you dont know Big Daddy Craw Daddy (Registered trademark)