Almost Friday

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The Raccoon Story

In July 1958, the day following fireworks and hot dogs and baseball games at the sandlot, Bill was born. His father was an attorney and his mother stayed at home, both caring for Bill in different but equally important ways. Bill’s imagination was hard to tame, as he took in the breath of life in every experience, from his dad returning home with briefcase in hand to sledding down a hill during Ohio winters. I think we can all look back on our childhoods and remember how our imaginations would take us places, helping us make sense of the world around us – adventure and friendship and life and death.

Bill went on to attend college where he studied political science, perhaps following in his father’s footsteps. But he didn’t lose his imagination, and by this time cartooning became his trade by nature, bringing laughter and raising questions about life within squares on a page. After graduating college, Bill didn’t settle for security or the career that the world wanted of him, he followed his dreams and never settled (Chad Werner, Commencement Speech, 2011).

Here’s a small piece that Bill composed – bringing together the struggles of understanding life, why bad things happen to good people, the importance of family and the richness friendship. Thank you, Mr. Watterson. Here’s to Friday.

-Clayton Wall